what we do

Leaky water supply to your washing machine? 

Water leakages in your house can cause all kinds of issues, including: dangerous mould growth, structural damage, appliance damage, and water pressure issues. 

It may seem like a small problem at first, but the longer you leave it, the more problems can build up over time. A leaky washing machine supply can also indicate other issues with your home's plumbing in general, so it's best to get a qualified plumber in to take a look at exactly what is going on. 

We'll get to the bottom of what's causing that leak 

We've got the tools, experience and qualifications to investigate your leaky washing machine connections. The solution to your leaks may be as simple as worn-out connections that have deteriorated over time, or it may be a more concerning issue such as constant high water pressure. 

We'll come equipped with all the supplies needed for general connection maintenance, and if the issue goes deeper than just your washing machine connection, we can investigate your pipes and other fittings to determine the exact work that needs to be done, and give you a straightforward, sensible explanation of what needs to happen next, and what it will cost to do. 

Keep your laundry leak-free with our professional plumbing services 

We're ready to investigate your washing machine leaks, so that you can keep your laundry efficient, clean and hygienic. Our fully qualified plumbers know what to look for and how to approach a broad range of plumbing issues that can cause a leak, so you can be confident that we'll track down the source of the problem.  

Don't put up with the inconvenience and risk of a leaky washing machine – contact us today! 

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Washing machine installation

We can ensure your washing machine has the connections and fitting it needs to be up to the task of managing your household's laundry.

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Laundry sink installation

Your laundry sink needs to be up to the task of handling all kinds of activities, from soaking stained clothing to cleaning off gardening tools. We can help you today.

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Laundry tap installation

The laundry is often one of the most overlooked places around the home, but a well-laid out and properly fitted laundry room will make your day-to-day easier.

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Get in touch for quality plumbing services 

Let us know what you're looking for, and we'll get back to you to walk through your plumbing needs. 

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